What birds can you see in your garden this August?
August is well known as a quiet month for garden birds. Many birds are done with breeding for the year and the abundance of wild food in the form of seeds, fruits, and insects means our garden feeders are in less demand. Common birds, such as Robin and Blackbirds, will also begin to moult at this time of year. Moulting allows birds to get rid of the worn feathers from a busy breeding season and prepare for migration and the cooler months ahead. Like us, they prefer to change their outfits in a private and safe space, so they slink about in the undergrowth as their ability to fly is reduced.
1. Robins

2. Blackbirds

Water is the most valuable commodity for birds in summer. Be sure to leave shallow trays of water out for birds, particularly during dry spells. Even better are ponds, which won’t need to be topped up as often, and will also provide insects for birds to eat.
While quiet for birds, this can be a good time of year to enjoy other animals. Flowering plants will still be attracting butterflies. This is the best time of year to watch our most striking species such as Peacock, Red Admiral, and the migratory Painted Lady. You may also see the next generation of queen bumblebees on the wing. They will be looking for places to spend the winter and stocking up on food!
Read our article on the importance of water for birds

Bird Bath Top Tips
Site your bird bath 2 metres from cover, such as trees or shrubs, making it visible, whilst providing a safe place to retreat
Always ensure garden birds have plenty of fresh clean water for drinking and bathing
Clean feeding and drinking areas regularly with a mild disinfectant
While quiet for birds, this can be a good time of year to enjoy other animals. Flowering plants will still be attracting butterflies. This is the best time of year to watch our most striking species such as Peacock, Red Admiral, and the migratory Painted Lady. You may also see the next generation of queen bumblebees on the wing. They will be looking for places to spend the winter and stocking up on food!

Our Favourite Bird Baths
Our Gardman Aura Bird Bath is the perfect bird bath to add a stylish bird care product to your garden. Designed with the contemporary garden style in mind, its a perfect centrepiece for your garden. The beautiful polished bath is also designed to attract the attention of small and brightly coloured birds to your garden.
For a more natural look, our Peckish Secret Garden Bird Bath is a great option. With a sturdy wide base and durable metal, this bird bath will make a beautiful addition to your garden for years to come. Vine detailing adds a decorative touch, helping it blend in with your garden furniture!
If you would like to learn more about understanding birds, in particular about changing bird populations visit the charity – British Trust for Ornithology (BTO)