Attract more birds to your garden with Peckish's top tips & advice
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Bird Feeding Tips
British Bird Identifier Guide
Many different birds flit in and out of British gardens throughout the changing seasons. While some birds grace us with their presence consistently from spring to winter, others only appear specific times of the year.
Our bird identifier guide can help you recognise various birds that visit your gardens, from the resilient red-breasted robin to the charming elegance of the blue tit.
Get to Know the Birds
in Your Garden
Bird Feeding Tips
British Bird Identifier Guide
Many different birds flit in and out of British gardens throughout the changing seasons. While some birds grace us with their presence consistently from spring to winter, others only appear during specific times of the year.
Our bird identifier guide can help you recognise various birds that visit your gardens, from the resilient red-breasted robin to the charming elegance of the blue tit.
Get to know the birds in your garden
How to Identify
a Bird
The best way to learn how to identify birds is to practice little and often.
Why do Birds Migrate?
Birds migrate for two reasons, to find new food sources and to raise a family.
Big Garden
The RSPB’s Big Garden Birdwatch is a great opportunity for bird lovers.
Why is CalVita an Important
Ingredient in Bird Food?
CalVita®, which is unique to Peckish, is a specially developed supplement that gives birds vitamins and also minerals that are essential to their development. It is included in many of our seed mixes, suets & treats and is formulated to be high in energy. This provides birds with enough calories to meet the high demands of their bodies.
Bird Nesting Advice
Bird Nesting Advice
Reading the Signs of
Birds Nesting
There are many signs to look out for to know whether a bird is nesting around you, including the bird songs to listen out for and the bird activity in site. If there is a lot of bird activity around your home and garden you could have a bird nest close by.
Create the Ideal
Nesting Location
Nesting opportunities for garden birds are reduced by modern building practices as well as the destruction of natural nesting sites. Many birds will look for artificial nest sites, therefore nest boxes are a valuable role in areas where natural cavities are in short supply.
Which Hedges do
Birds Nest in?
One often overlooked but important nesting site for wild birds is hedges. Preserving and managing hedgerows will help maintain a healthy bird population. Hedges provide protection, shelter and resources for wild birds, but which hedges do they nest in?
How to Choose
a Nest Box
Create a new home for the birds in your garden by taking part in National Nest Box Week 14-21 February. This event encourages householders to put up nest boxes in time for breeding birds which will be looking for a safe place to lay their eggs.
Why is CalVita an Important Ingredient in Bird Food?
CalVita®, which is unique to Peckish, is a specially developed supplement that gives birds vitamins and also minerals that are essential to their development. It is included in many of our seed mixes, suets & treats and is formulated to be high in energy. This provides birds with enough calories to meet the high demands of their bodies.
More Bird Care Advice
How to choose a
bird table
Transforming your garden into a haven for both human enjoyment and wild birds is easily achieved with a thoughtfully positioned bird table. However, with there being so much choice available, how do you choose a bird table?
The Importance of Water
for Garden Birds
Birds share similar needs to us humans, they require access to water for bathing and drinking to thrive. Providing a clean and reliable water source alongside their feeding station ensures they have all they need for a healthy and vibrant existence in your garden.
How Bird Watching can
Boost Mental Health
More and more of us are suffering from stress and anxiety brought on by modern technology and a 24/7 world, particularly after the long bleak deep mid-winter months. The answer may be closer than you think...
Colour in your garden with Peckish
Looking to keep the kids entertained? Look no further than our colour in your garden activity packs. All of our activities are free to downoad, with plenty to keep the little ones engaged.
Colour in your garden with Peckish
Looking to keep the kids entertained? Look no further than our colour in your garden activity packs. All of our activities are free to downoad, with plenty to keep the little ones engaged.
Wildlife Advice
Spring Bird Care Guide
Wild birds are a welcome sight in our gardens throughout the year, and during the springtime, you'll notice a hive of new activity as the breeding season begins.
Summer Bird Care Guide
You may think that wild birds only need supplementary food during the colder months, but even in the summer, birds need a helping hand in the garden. Read on to find out the best ways for you to care for the birds in summer.
Autumn Bird Care Guide
As summer turns into autumn there’s a notable change in the light, mood and atmosphere of the garden. Birds feel the change, which triggers them into their migration mode. If you enjoy their presence in the garden, it’s important to care for them during the autumn months.
Freezing Means Feeding - Our Winter Bird Guide
Winging it through
As the days grow shorter and temperatures drop, natural food sources become hard to find for our wild birds. Winter is a challenging time and birds need high energy food to help them survive.
Winter Tips & Essentials
for Wild Birds
During the colder months the survival of wild birds can become challenging. With limited natural food sources available birds become reliant on us providing high energy bird food and treats.
What to Feed Garden
It is important to provide birds with food and essential energy they require to stay healthy throughout the year. There are many foods available to attract many different species of birds to your garden.
Winter Bird Care
Animals bulk up in summer to endure winter, relying on stored fat. Birds live day-to-day, struggling to maintain weight, especially in winter. Sadly, many don't survive. Learn how to support birds this winter.
Garden birds
in January
Garden Birds
In Janurary
Garden birds
in February
Garden Birds
In Feburary
Garden birds
in March
Garden Birds
In March
Garden birds
in April
Garden Birds
In April
Garden birds
in May
Garden Birds
In May
Garden birds
in June
Garden Birds
In June
Garden birds
in July
Garden Birds
In July
Garden birds
in August
Garden Birds
In August
Garden birds
in September
Garden Birds
in September
Garden birds
in October
Garden Birds
In October
Garden birds
in November
Garden Birds
In November
Garden birds
in December
Garden Birds
In December
Freezing Means Feeding - Our Winter Bird Guide