What birds can you see in your garden this January?
As we start to see slightly longer days, we will begin to hear the first smatterings of songs for spring. Song Thrush, Blackbird, Robin and Dunnock will all be singing, especially if the weather is mild. If it takes an icy turn we will see something different in their behaviours. Blackcaps, a recent addition to many winter gardens, will be busying themselves trying to snaffle the last berries from the autumn. Keep an eye out for these birds, the males with black caps and the females with red, among ivy and making furtive trips to fat balls and sunflower seeds.
1. Song Thrush

2. Blackbird

3. Robin

4. Dunnock
What to Feed
If you are new to feeding birds, you can choose an all year round bird food. This is suitable for all seasons and all popular garden birds. Peckish Complete Seed Mix has 12 varieties of high energy seeds and nuts and will attract a wide range of birds
If you are keen to attract a specific type of bird, there are specific foods available. For example, a Robin Mix blended with mealworms, naked oats and sunflowers hearts that are small and ideal for a Robin’s beak
How to Feed
You will know how much food to put out based on how much is left. If the food is taking days to be eaten, simply reduce the amount you put out
Use several feeding stations to reduce the number of birds feeding in one spot
If you use a feeding table, make sure to keep it clean
Use a ground feeding tray if you prefer to place food on the ground. Just remember to remove any leftover food before nightfall to prevent attracting unwanted visitors
Avoid putting feeders under garden features where birds may perch or roost
If you would like to learn more about understanding birds, in particular about changing bird populations visit the charity – British Trust for Ornithology (BTO)