
Bird Guide: Wren

Think you’ve spotted a Wren in your garden? Our Wren bird guide is here to help you learn lots of information about these little garden visitors.

Small in size and mostly brown in colour, they can be spotted all over the UK. Although they’re quite common, they’re still a lovely sight to see, with a round body and pointy tail. Due to their small size and skulking nature, they can be quite easy to overlook at times. However, their loud songs and calls often give them away.

You can find them in woodland and other areas with lots of undergrowth. They’ll usually lay and raise two broods between March and August. Generally, their nests are made from moss and grass close to the ground. If you happen to come across their eggs, they’re white in colour with faint brown specks. Want to keep these little birds well-fed? Their diet consists of insects and small seeds.



To find out more about other birds, take a look at our interactive bird guide.



Wrens are very small birds which are mostly brown in colour


Wrens can be spotted in most areas across the UK


Woodlands and other areas which have lots of undergrowth


Insects and some smaller seeds



Wrens will usually lay and raise two broods between March and August. Nests are made of moss and grass and usually positioned in a hole close to the ground. Their eggs are white in colour with faint brown specks

BTO Facts


According to Garden BirdWatch data, which has been collected since 1995, they are most frequently seen in gardens during March, when they are seen in around 42% of gardens. Since Garden BirdWatch began, Wrens have declined slightly in gardens. However, as this species is very susceptible to cold weather, numbers do fluctuate from winter to winter. In order to compensate for this, they are capable of producing several large broods in a year.




Food we recommend


peckish complete  mealworms


Nest boxes we recommend


every day nest box  garden nest box