Peckish UKPeckish UK

Make the Peckish Hedge Pledge

Leave your hedge trimmings from March to July, watch the wild birds nest and thrive...

The Peckish Hedge Pledge is a pledge to hold off trimming your hedge from March until the end of July, so put down your cutting tools and join us to help the wild birds in our gardens. By doing nothing, you really are doing everything.

Wild birds use the hedges in our gardens to nest during the nesting season. A hedge left alone will provide shelter to nesting birds, using the space to hide from predators and move more freely between gardens through the hedges. Birds can also benefit from natural sources of food from hedges.

Peckish UKPeckish UK

When should I trim my hedge?

You may trim your hedge at any time of the year, however try and avoid trimming between March and July as birds like to use hedges as safe nesting areas. The best time to trim your hedge is during the winter months (Nov-Jan), that way you will avoid disturbing any birds but it is a good idea to still check for any active nests before trimming. Some wild birds nest later in the season including Dunnocks and Finches.